For most people, Tibetan butter tea — po cha — is an acquired taste, since it is salty rather than sweet, and has a completely unexpected flavor.
Many non-Tibetans don’t care for it much at first, but come to love it when it is associated with warmth on a cold day and good times spent with Tibetan friends, or Tibetan communities in India or Nepal. Some non-Tibetans find it helpful to think of it as a sort of light soup rather than as tea.
Tibet: Given Tibet’s weather and the country’s fascination with Yak milk products, Po Cha is a combination of tea, salt and Yak butter. Po Cha is brewed for several hours to make it bitter in taste before it is churned with butter and salt. Perfect for Tibet’s weather conditions, Po Cha is a favorite among explorers and monks.
This Wooden beater can be used for beating other ground spices too